Free Online Courses and Training About Water, Sanitation and Hygiene WASH

This Collection links to the websites of providers of free training. We monitor these links regularly, however if the training providers change their websites, some of these links may not work. All other resources on the Humanitarian Library can be downloaded directly from the Library.This collection of e-learning resources contains free courses pertaining to WASH. these courses include introduction to WASH, promotion of WASH management and WASH in emergencies and development. 

Collections on this Collection


Urban WASH

This collection comprises technical guidelines, case studies and toolkits about Urban WASH.The resources compiled in this collection offer practical guidelines  which are meant for humanitarian actors who are interested in WASH actiivities.  It  also provides knowledge regarding  mainstreaming urban WASH in existing  programmes, and describes the partnerships that will help maintain effective programming as engagement with urban WASH programming increases.These resources were published by leading organisations such as International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Institute Of Water & Sanitation Development, ShelterCluster, Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) , RedRUK,United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF),  United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) , WaterAid, World Health Organisation 

COVID-19: WASH and handwashing

This Collection links to the websites of providers of free training. We monitor these links regularly, however if the training providers change their websites, some of these links may not work. All other resources on the Humanitarian Library can be downloaded directly from the Library.

This collection is monitored daily to identify new and updated materials.

It contains technical guidelines from leading global institutions to support the operation of WASH practitioners responding to the Covid-19 pandemic. Current guidance comes from the Norfolk County Council and Public Health England, UNICEF, Indicorps, Wash'Em and WHO.

Please send suggestions for additional content for this collection to, or create your own collection on the Library!

This collection is part of an ongoing series of linked collections of operational guidance on responding to COVID-19.

You might find other helpful collections on supporting WASH operations that are not specific to COVID-19 below, but that are relevant on WASH and the Elderly or Schools, Health and Shelter and Medical Supply Chains.


Cette collection est mise à jour quotidiennement pour être complétée par les tout derniers documents disponibles.

Cette collection contient des directives techniques venant des principales institutions mondiales pour soutenir les opérations en EHA (eau, hygiène et assainissement) dans le cadre de la réponse au Covid-19. Les documents actuels proviennent de : Norfolk County Council and Public Health England, UNICEF, Indicorps, Wahs'Em et de l'OMS.

Veuillez envoyer des suggestions de contenu supplémentaire pour cette collection à, ou créez votre propre collection sur la bibliothèque!

Cette collection fait partie d'une série de collections de guides opérationnels sur la réponse au COVID-19.

Vous pouvez trouver d'autres collections utiles concernant le soutien aux opérations EHA qui ne sont pas spécifiques à à la pandémie de Covid-19, mais qui sont pertinentes concernant les opérations EAH, les Personnes Agées ou les Ecoles, la Santé et les Réfugiés, ainsi que les Chaînes d'Approvisionnement Médicales.

WASH and Health Guidelines

The "WASH and Health Guidelines" Collection compiles recent humanitarian practices on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), aiming to improve the health levels of affected populations. According to European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, "Water, sanitation and hygiene (also known as WASH) are closely connected sectors and essential for good public health. In emergency and crisis situations, providing access to clean water in sufficient quantities is paramount. Basic sanitation and hygiene education are important for a healthy living environment. [...]. Lack of access to clean water and to basic sanitation, and low hygiene standards increase the vulnerability of people to epidemic outbreaks." To learn more about this, visit:
